Réka Juhász

Industrial Policy

Como integrar indústria e ‘agenda verde’ sem repetir erros? Especialista do Canadá sugere 4 caminhos

Comments on the Draghi Report (in Hungarian)
(Partizán Péntek Reggel)

Found in translation: Why some countries learn from the West, and most don’t

Panel Discussion on Industrial Policy
(NBER Macro Annual)

Hungary should not focus solely on manufacturing
(in Hungarian, interview with G7)

Successful industrial policy must account for political economy.
(IMF F&D with Nathan Lane)

A controversial idea at the heart of Bidenomics
(NPR Planet Money)

Economics must catch up on industrial policy
(ProMarket - with Nathan Lane)

The new economics of industrial policy
(VoxEU - with Nathan Lane and Dani Rodrik)

Industrial policy, the debate!
(NPR The Indicator from Planet Money)

Setting the Record Straight on Industrial Policy
(ProMarket - with Claudia Steinwender)

Why the world is embracing industrial policy
(The Peak podcast)

(in German, APuZ – with Claudia Steinwender)

Economists Reconsider Industrial Policy
(Project Syndicate – with Nathan Lane and Dani Rodrik)

Technology adoption and productivity growth: Evidence from industrialisation in France
(VoxEU - with Mara Squicciarini and Nico Voigtlaender)

Can Infant Industry Protection Work? Evidence from Napoleon
(Trade Talks podcast)

Napoleonic Protectionism: How France’s Cotton Industry Gained
(Center Piece)

Temporary protection and technology adoption: Evidence from the Napoleonic Blockade

Other writing

All aboard: The effects of port development